Diagnóstico de la Metodología Blended Learning: Caso Universidad Técnica de Manabí, período 2015
Dr. Juan Carlos Morales Intriago, Lcda. María José Zambrano Zipa, María Mercedes Medranda Loor

The background in the use of Web resources in the educational process leading to a brief history, about twenty years, and is related to the evolution and advancement of NTIC`s (New Technologies of Information and Communication) on the one hand and secondly the development of new paradigms that optimize the process of teaching and learning. In recent years there has appeared a new methodology that emerges strongly in the educational context; it is the "Blended learning", which combines presence with the virtual. In this research demonstrate the benefits of Blended learning teaching methodology for good academic performance of students, taking the case of the Universidad Técnica de Manabi. The research methodology is developed through the quantitative paradigm supported by the descriptive method with some complementary elements of a qualitative nature, which allowed to determine factors such as resource availability, connectivity, accessibility, applications support, among other indicators, so that it was possible a comprehensive view of the methodology. The results of the research say Blended Learning Methodology grants a very significant improvement in academic achievement level of students who practice it.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jlis.v4n2a1