Institution of Library in the Cultural Life of Turkey and its Effect on Educational Life: Republic Period
Buket Candan

AfterwinningtheWar of Independence, newlyfoundedRepublic of Turkey has startedrevolutions in manyfieldslikeeducation, culture, industry, agriculture, lawandpolitics in a quickanddeepmanner. Suchrapidandradicalchanges in theinstitutions of thesociety had alsoaffectedinstitution of librarywhichwasborntogetherwitheducationalinstitutionsthere since thousands of yearsandtraditionalTurkish librarianship has becometo be structured in a modern way. The role of the libraries in education life has been examined within the context of the sociopolitical and technological developments, the positive and negative points have been determined and also what can be done in order to achieve better has been discussed in this study, which shows the libraries’ effects on the education life by examining its development in Turkey with a historical perspective from the proclamation of the republic until today. The historical method and descriptive method have been used in this study. The data has been collected within the scope of the study by using the observation, meeting and document scanning methods.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jlis.v3n2a2